January Wrap-Up
Throughout my work as an audiologist and now diving into public health, I turn to evidence to show progress and I want my goals to be measurable. I've decided that this year, I want to do a reflection at the end of each month, mainly to hold myself accountable as I navigate the messy, non-linear path towards my goals.
In this post, I shared about some of my resolutions and some of my concrete goals. Here's my progress on those:
Run a half-marathon: I like the Runkeeper app because it offers a guided 5K and 10K program. I recently started my 5K program over again with the goal of running 3x per week consistently. I mapped out my training and if I stay consistent, I have time to do both guided programs plus a "fastest 5K" guided program prior to jumping into my marathon training before August. I feel good about this one!
Continue strength training until I can see muscle definition: I've been very inconsistent the past couple weeks at the gym. The foundations of what I need to do are there, thanks to my personal trainer, but I know I can do better than where I'm at right now.

Lose 50 lbs: I've gone backwards with this goal. I have the tools I need to succeed at this, as I've done it in the past, it's just about digging deep and tapping into that will-power. Again, I'm giving myself grace while still acknoweldging that I can do better.
Blog twice per week: I have obvously failed at posting on Mondays and Thursdays every week! Despite the fact that I haven't posted in 15 days, I'm not ready to give up this goal yet. I think it was just about adjusting to my life as a student again, and I can feel myself getting into a routine.
Play roller derby: Thanks to Anna and the Denali Destroyers, I got to play my favorite sport with some of my favorite people a couple weeks ago. It was obviously a blast and I even took home an "Overall MVP" award. I can't wait until the next time I get to lace up my skates.

Save $15,000: I am the most proud of my no spending goal. The only purchase I've made outside of necessities is my Kindle Scribe, which I used some extra scholarship money for because it will be used exclusively for school. I have eaten out a little more than I want to moving forward, but I have not done ANY unnecessary shopping and that is huge for me!
Successfully complete at least two semesters of grad school: I'm in my first semester of the MPH program and it is challenging but so rewarding. I know it's such a gift to be back in school.
Travel to Utah to see family and friends: No progress towards this, yet. Plans are in the works!
Take one trip outside of Anchorage with My Billi: I'd sell a limb or my soul or everything I own for a chance to see Idina Menzel star in "Redwood" the musical on Broadway. And to experience my favorite city in the world with my favorite person in the world would be a dream come true. I don't know if a trip like this is in the cards for us this year, but I'm sure the stars will align in some way to get us out of Alaska for a vacation.

So there you have it! The first month of the year flew by while simultaneously feeling like it was a year long. I'm still feeling optimistic about 2025 and look forward to what's in store. How's your 2025 going? I'll see you for another post on Thursday! ;)